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hey everybody its Dave here and since I have the bike torn apart kind of with the rear tire off get a new tire put on I thought it’d be a good time to do a mod that I’ve been wanting to do for a while and that is to paint the windscreen black to match the rest of the front fairing there I’ve seen it done some few other people have done it before and thought it looked really cool thought this would be a good chance to do it so I go through the steps and first step is removing the windscreen all right so I’m gonna go ahead and remove the windscreen there’s six screws on this one for the fz1 three on each side so just go ahead and unscrew those okay so the next thing you’re gonna want to do is make sure you clean the windscreen very very well get all the bugs get all the dirt and stuff off of it you want to make sure you use a really mild soap so I’m just using some dish soap and sponge and you want to make sure you use the soft side of the sponge so
yamaha r1 fairings you don’t scratched it up at all and I just have a plastic tray here some warm water in it I’m just gonna go through make sure I get all the bugs and the grime and all that stuff off of it okay so the next thing you’re gonna want to do is make sure that the screen is nice and dry I had a little microfiber cloth that I used to wipe it down and make sure it was really dry and what you’re going to want to do is you’re gonna sindh the inside and make sure it’s ready for painting all I’m actually going to do was paint the inside of the screen so the outside stays this nice glossy color and before when I said remove the sticker actually I’m gonna leave this sticker on here because it’s on the outside and I’m we’re only actually gonna be painting the inside of
the windscreen so first thing you’re gonna want to do is give some 400 grit sandpaper and start sanding the inside which is going to get it ready for paint so you’re just going to sand it a nice smooth circles this is just gonna drop it up a little bit and get it ready to be painted I’m just gonna go through sand the whole thing you want to go a nice small circles like this and just go around the whole engine windscreen and what you’re doing here is just roughing it up a little bit getting ready to be painted so that the paint will stick to it better do the sides and you want to make sure and just do the parts that are gonna be painted so I’m not gonna do anything on the front I’m just gonna go around the whole inside of the screen it up a little bit get ready to be okay once you have that all sanded what I forgot to mention before too was that this was dry I’m sending that with dry sandpaper now what you want to do is sand it down wet same grit sandpaper the foreigner group of sandpaper so I’m just going to put a little bit of water in the middle here and I’m gonna use that and sand over it again with the left just put a little bit in the middle and yamaha r6 fairings then I’m gonna draw it out towards the outside as I’m standing okay so the next thing I’m going to do is I just rinsed off the screen again to make sure it was dry and I have some 600 grit sandpaper and this is gonna be kind of a finishing step as far as preparing it to be painted so I’m gonna take this 600 just going circles after this step I’m gonna rinse it off again this one you only have to do dry and the next step I’m just gonna rinse it off and dry it and then we’ll be ready for painting okay so I set up a light starting to lose it’s getting dark here so I started to lose some of the light so as you can see the windscreen is pretty scuffed up and it’s ready for painting so the next thing you want to do is you want to mask off the front of the windscreen so you don’t get any of the paint on there so what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna grab some newspaper and I picked up this blue painters tape at Walmart for a few bucks I’m gonna use that to tape all around I’m gonna lay a sheet of newspaper over the front and then tape all around the sides there where I don’t want the paint to get so I make sure that we only get it on the inside here okay so we didn’t actually have newspaper that I could find so I just grabbed some regular copy paper but I went ahead and laid the paper over the front and then I taped all the way around right up to the edge there you want to get that as straight as possible I did this so it’s overlap in a little bit I actually don’t want the black on the front here so I did it right along the edge and you want to make it as straight as possible as you can see it’s a little off in some places there but you can always go up and touch up the edges later but just try and make motorcycle fairings it as straight as possible and cover everything in the front that you don’t want to get paint on now we’re ready for our first coat okay so we have our paint this is a krylon fusion or plastic it’s just a gloss black I wanted to keep that kind of that shine so I want the cloth you could do depends on what you want
you could do a satin or a flat although the clear coat that I got then going to be put on later it’s also a gloss so you just have to make sure you can do whatever you want but I wanted to kind of have that shiny look to it so I got a gloss black and this is like I said it’s for plastics I got from Walmart for about five bucks and you want to make sure and the key to this is to do very light coats you’re going to want to do probably three or four coats on this so keep the coats very light and that’s gonna give me the best finished product when you’re down there so we’re gonna go ahead and just sweep across holding it about six inches away from the plastic and just do real light colors okay let that coat dry and we’ll come back and do another one okay it’s been about an hour so I’m gonna go ahead and do a second coat probably going to do about three or four coats on this so doing the same thing go ahead and let that sit another half hour or so and we’ll see you probably do the last coat okay now I just finished up with the fourth and final coat and we’re gonna let it sit overnight and put the clear coat on tomorrow okay everybody this is day two of the windscreen project and I have some clear coat that I got from Walmart krylon fusion it’s about the same about five dollars at Walmart and I’m just gonna spray this over the whole thing this is gonna protect it and keep the hate and everything hopefully keep it from chipping and keep everything nice so I’m gonna do the same thing I did before with the black and just spray across like this and just do a nice light poke okay I’ve left the clear coat dry did about three coats of it and then took all the tape off put the windscreen back on so you can see it matches the front fairing there and there you go it looks pretty good talk to you soon bye